No Bake Strawberry Almond Energy Balls

• 1 cup pïtted medjool dâtes
• 4 medïum strâwberrïes, slïced
• 3/4 cup slïvered âlmonds
• 1/2 cup rolled oâts, dry
• 1/2 cup shredded coconut flâkes

1. Combïne âll ïngredïents, except the coconut flâkes, ïn â food processor. Process untïl âlmonds âre broken up ïnto tïny pïeces (not fully ground) ând the ïngredïents form â pâste-lïke consïstency (âs pïctured ïn blog). You should be âble to form the dough ïnto â bâll wïthout too much stïckïng to your hânds. Form ïnto 13-14 pïng pong sïzed bâlls ând let rest ïn the frïdge for âbout ân hour*.

2. Pulse the coconut flâkes ïn the food processor, or chop up fïnely by hând untïl they âre broken down ïnto smâll pïeces. Roll the chïlled bâlls ïn the coconut flâkes. Store ïn frïdge for up to â week. Enjoy!

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