If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you probably know that I absolutely LOVE healthy fast food. This means vegan burgers & co that are made with fresh and healthy ingredients instead of meat, white flour, lots of flavor enhancers, and a couple of pathetic-looking cucumbers and half-faded lettuce. The burgers we have are usually packed with tons of nutrients, veggies, and lots of spices like this vegan chickpea quinoa power burger.

If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you probably know that I absolutely LOVE healthy fast food. This means vegan burgers & co that are made with fresh and healthy ingredients instead of meat, white flour, lots of flavor enhancers, and a couple of pathetic-looking cucumbers and half-faded lettuce. The burgers we have are usually packed with tons of nutrients, veggies, and lots of spices like this vegan chickpea quinoa power burger.

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